Friday, November 1, 2013

A Webinar to Read About

A Blogger's Insight:

Reading Webinar

Recently, I watched a webinar on Reading and Assistive technology.  I recommend if you are interested in Webinars, go to the link provided and view the possible webinars available for free.  They are insightful, informative and very personal.  The webinars take place with a speaker, as well as, an accompanying PowerPoint presentation. 
Throughout this presentation they discussed:
1. Text Readers:
01_natural_reader_freeAlso known as text-to-speech software (TTS) , which allows you to have text read aloud to you. This is useful for struggling readers and for writers, when editing and revising their work.  I wanted to research more about on this topic.  Throughout my search, I found a free software called NaturalReader.  The free version of the software converts Microsoft Word files, webpages, PDF files, and emails into spoken words.

2. Screen reader:
A screen reader is a software application that enables people with severe visual impairments to use a computer.  You could implement screen readers into any type of curriculum for all students to benefit. 
3. Electronic texts:
This refers to any type of text that may be found on the computer including, PowerPoint, Word, PDF files, the internet and so much more!
The webinar also provided resources and available tools that we could integrate into our reading curriculum to enhance participation and success.  The site is not only on reading, so GO CHECK IT OUT YOURSELF!!

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