Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Questions & Answers

A Blogger's Insight: 

Questions & Answers 

Like mentioned in the last blog, this post is going to be dedicated to answering questions regarding technology and problems encountered in the classroom.  Please feel free to elaborate on any questions that are addressed throughout this post below under the comments section.  

Let's get started with students faced with hearing disabilities and what assisted technology devices can aid in the success of students dealing with these issues.   When I started my research on hearing impairments, I was extremely interested in learning the science behind hearing loss and deafness.  The video below provides a wonderful explanation regarding hearing and how it works.  
Now that we have a better idea on how hearing works and understand the different parts that cause hearing loss, whether partial hearing loss or deafness, let's think about a student dealing with such issues.  Place yourself in a typical classroom.

Q: What types of obstacles would a student in this setting might encounter?

A: Students in this situation often have difficulties following lectures, especially if the acoustics of the room are poor (e.g. cement floors/walls, noisy hearing/cooling units, lack of soft materials to absorb sound) or when the teacher speaks too quickly, quietly and/or unclear.  Also, if teachers are walking around the classroom it hinders students from lipreading (if applicable). Class discussions, videos and presentations may also cause a problem for students with hearing limitations.  

Q: In the classroom and at home, what types of assisted technologies would students with some kind of hearing loss benefit from?

A: Students could benefit from some form of Hearing Assistive Technology both at home and in the classroom.  For example, alerting devices are used for alarm clocks/phones/smoke detectors.  An essential AT used in the classroom is listening devices.  These devices worn by the teacher and has a wireless connection, which transmits what the teacher says to the student's hearing aids.  Finally, students could also benefit from Augmentative Alternative Communication devices in the classroom, as well.  

Q: How can teachers become knowledgeable with assisted listening devices?

A: A teacher should, first and foremost, request training from an audiologist, the school, and the manufacturer of the device.  The teacher should also make sure to discuss how the device will be used with the students ahead of time with the parents, students, and the school administrators.  

Q: What are Augmentative Alternative Communication devices (AAC)?  Why are they important?  

A: AAC includes all forms on communication (other than oral speech) that are used to express thoughts, needs, wants and ideas.  We all use them when we make a simple facial expression or gesture.  It is important to offer several different modes of communication while in the classroom. 

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